Extra-curricular clubs & activities
Clubs after October Half term 2024
We are delighted to announce our after school clubs for Autumn Term second half-term. These clubs will run from 5th November 2024 for the second half-term up to 6th December, unless otherwise stated below.
- MONDAY after school – Starts Monday 11th November and only runs for 4 weeks. Year 3 & 4 Craft club with Mrs Boudier and Mrs B 3.15 - 4.15 pm (Max 15 places) Please pay £2 online, via ParentPay, towards the cost of materials once you have booked your child’s place.
- TUESDAY after school - Year 3 & 4 Science with Mrs Williams 3.15-4.15pm (Max 12 places) Please pay £2 online, via ParentPay, towards the cost of materials once you have booked your child’s place.
- TUESDAY after school - Year 1 & 2 External organised Cooking club with Mrs Orford at The Adventurous Kitchen Cost £4.95 per week for 5 weeks starting 5th November 3.15pm to 4.30pm. Please book online using the link below. Mrs Orford will be in touch regarding payment and to confirm places (Max 16).
- TUESDAY after school - Year 5 & 6 Christmas Crafts with Mrs Smith and Mrs Garner 3.15-4.15pm (numbers will be restricted) 15th October to 26th November 2024
- WEDNESDAY before school - Year 5 & 6 Running Cub with Mr Khan 8.05 – 8.40am (Max 20 places)
- WEDNESDAY after school - KS2 Choir with Mrs Fletcher-Curran - 15 - 4.15 pm Continuation (NO NEW MEMBERS).
- WEDNESDAY after school - Year 1 & 2 Sing-a-long club with Mrs Potts 15 - 4.15 pm - Continuation (NO NEW MEMBERS).
- THURSDAY after school – Year 3 & 4 Basketball with Mrs Moore 3.15-4.15pm 7th & 14th November only.
- THURSDAY after school – Year 5 & 6 Basketball with Mrs Moore3.15-4.15pm 21st & 28th November & 5th December only.
- FRIDAY after school – Year 5 & 6 Netball with Mrs Porter 3.15-4.15pm - Continuation (NO NEW MEMBERS)
If your child is already a member of Choir, Sing-a-long or Netball then your child has already been added to the club lists on school spider and you will have received a notification from school spider advising you that they are booked onto these clubs.