Reception 2024 - 2025

Miss Jagota

Welcome to Reception!

Reception is taught by Miss Jagota

and supported by Mrs Williams and Miss Lee
Reception have had a fantastic first full week at school, they have settled really well, and I am so proud of how they are coming into school each morning- even if a little tired  by the end of the week. I can assure you it has been all smiles and fun once in the classroom! It has been lovely to watch the children make new friends, explore the classroom and the wider school.   
This week, we have spent time beginning to establish some of the everyday rules and routines of the classroom with the help of Mr Potato Head. We have also been thinking about our feelings with the Colour Monster and will continue to work on our theme 'Marvellous Me' this term.  The children have also enjoyed lots of different fine motor control activities including some dough disco and finger puppet shows! 
We have also started our baseline assessments, working individually with your child. We have completed the communication, literacy & language and fine motor control assessments this week and will hopefully complete the maths early next week.  
Show & Tell - The children were excited to share their plans for the weekend with the rest of the class. Please feel free to email photos of the things they get up to so that they can talk about all the things they have done on Monday. It is a super way to encourage their speaking and listening skills. 
Just a couple of important reminders:  
  • PE/ Outdoor learning: Tuesday and Friday- children to come to school in their PE kits (white t-shirt, blue shorts or jogging bottoms, school jumper/cardigan and trainers) and stay in them all day.  
  • Don’t forget to sign in to ParentPay if you have not done so already (login details were sent home last week). Please ensure you create your account to receive email updates/ letters etc from the school office for your child in Reception, even if you already have older children in the school.  
Have a lovely weekend.  🙂 
Miss Jagota

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Celebration Assembly, by Mrs Tregilgas

Book Fair after school, by Mrs Tregilgas

Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]