Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Jagota

Welcome to Reception!

Reception is taught by Miss Jagota

and supported by Mrs Williams and Miss Lee

Only a few days to go…we are almost at the end of the school year and this week, we focused our attention on Helsby Hillside turning 60! The children have enjoyed learning about schools in the past - thank you for helping with the grandparent’s interviews, the class loved hearing about how different school was and how lucky they are with all the things in our classroom today! We have been busy getting things ready for the 60th Anniversary exhibition which will be held in September. The children enjoyed the special assembly, meeting ex-headteacher Mr Richardson and ex-pupil Sophie Ecclestone (England cricketer).

We also enjoyed our ‘Stay and Read’ session on Tuesday, thank you for supporting us with this. The children’s school reading books will be collected in at the beginning of next week but to promote and encourage the children to continue reading please keep working on key words (additional sets will be sent home) and the library reading challenge (see below).

On Tuesday and Wednesday the children had fun (and lots to eat and drink!) at the year 6 ‘Pound Grow’ stalls...thank you for supporting this event.

We have spent today focussing on art work for the 60th exhibition, looking at the work of LS Lowry and recreating his matchstick people for a school scene aswell as making lots of different flowers for our Reception Flower Power display!

Just a couple of things for next week…

  • End of year reports were sent home yesterday (in book bags), if you have not already done so, please sign and return the parents report comment sheet to confirm you have received it.
  • Monday - Please send a strong empty carrier bag as the children will be bringing home all their books from this year.
  • No PE kits next week.
  • Wednesday – 1pm End of year assembly, 2pm school closes
  • Reading challenge from the Library - It’s that time of year again and libraries are getting ready for the Summer Reading Challenge. This year’s challenge is called Marvellous Makers!and we would love as many children as possible to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge. Children will be encouraged to read by being rewards along the way and a certificate at the end of the summer (more info available from Helsby Library)

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend… see you next week for our last 3 days.

Miss Jagota 😊


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Reception: News items

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Reception: Blog items

Weekly Newsletter, by Mrs Ellis

Reception: Gallery items

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Reception: Calendar items

INSET, by Mrs Ellis

School open, by Mrs Ellis

WK 1 New lunch menu, by Mrs Tregilgas

Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]