Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mr Newman

Weekly Round Up- 24th July 2024


I would just like to take this opportunity to wish Year Six all the best for the future. It has been a privilege teaching them this year and helping the children to become ready for the next stage in their learning journey.


Thank you for the kind words and lovely gifts- they are very much appreciated!


I hope to see you all again soon.


Have a wonderful summer break!


Mr Newman  


Weekly Round Up- 19th July 2024


Hello all!


It is crazy to think that next week the children of Year Six will be saying, “Goodbye! Have a lovely summer break!” for the final time as Hillside pupils- where has the time gone??

This week we have focused on the 60th anniversary preparations for September. The children have been working hard on English and Art tasks to display in our exhibition later this year.

On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, the children have been leading stalls for ‘The Pound Grow’. Their initial ideas, preparations for the event and how they have conducted themselves during this time has been outstanding.  I could not be any prouder of their efforts- great job Year Six!

On Thursday afternoon, the children welcomed Nicola Brown from the Methodist Church. She led a workshop focusing on the transition to high school. The children listened well throughout and took on board valuable information to support them moving forward. The children took away with them a helpful booklet to help them with the move and even had the opportunity to gain a further understanding on how to tie a tie!

End of Year Assembly

The end of year assembly and leavers’ performance for parents/carers will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm*


*timings may be subject to change.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mr Newman

Weekly Round Up- 12th July 2024
Hello all!
What a mixed week the children have had! On Monday and Tuesday, the children, who are heading to Helsby High School in September, had their transition days. It was wonderful to see so many smiles when they arrived back to Hillside on the Wednesday. The children were so eager to tell me all about their experiences of moving to different classrooms, meeting new teachers and creating new friendships!
On Wednesday, the children took part in their final workshop with Music for Life and had the opportunity to share their creations during a performance after school. The children also had another opportunity to perform on Thursday. Mrs Basden delivered her final session that lead them to share their understanding of the New Testament in an assembly. It was wonderful to see their confidence shine as they were able to show off what they had learned over the past five weeks.
To end the week, the children have been out on a trip to Delamere Forest! They had a fantastic time den building and taking part in Go Ape- a deserved treat after all the hard work they have put throughout the year.
A couple of things to note:
Pound Grow- Tuesday 16th July and Wednesday 17th July.
Year Six have recently been introduced to a fundraising project (£1 Grow). This project aims to develop the children’s understanding of financial management, budgeting, and persuasive advertising. It also aims to develop their entrepreneurial skills.
As part of this project, children have been given a letter detailing the event and £2 each from ‘Friends of Hillside’. Their mission is to create as much profit for their team as possible. At the end of the project the total profits added together will go towards a gift from the class for the use and benefit of Hillside children.
End of Year Assembly
The end of year assembly and leavers’ performance for parents/carers will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm*
*timings may be subject to change.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 5th July 2024
Good morning,
This week, the children have recapped on using money in Maths and developed their awareness of persuasive advertising in English.
On Wednesday, Music for Life conducting their workshop, with the children continuing their Dr Who music project. They have developed their pieces ready for their performance next week.
On Thursday, we had THREE visitors in Year 6. We started the day off with a visit from Chloe, from Coram Life Education, who led a session on legal and illegal drug use. The children engaged well throughout and took on board essential information. Chloe even mentioned how sensible and well-mannered the children were- great job Year Six! Mrs Dalrymple, the student support coordinator from Helsby High School was our second visitor of the day. She gave the children an opportunity to ask any further questions ready for the HHS transition days next week. Mrs Basden was our final visitor as she led her last NT session. It was pleasing to see how many key facts were retained during her visit with the children gaining confidence ready to perform next week.
Year 6 have continued with their preparations, throughout the week, for the pound grow and end of year assembly. All children are meeting the expectations set upon them and are looking forward to showing off their entrepreneurial and performance skills over next coming weeks.
Things to note:
It has been noticed that a handful of children are arriving to school wearing trainers and some are wearing make-up. We have always maintained high expectations across the whole school and Year Six have proved to be great role models. Please support us in the upkeep of our expectations with the children arriving to school in correct uniform and without make-up.
Music for Life Performance- Wednesday 10th July
This half term Year 6 have been taking part in exciting music technology workshops in partnership with Music for Life and Delia Derbyshire Day. They have explored sounds, sampled acoustic instruments, composed on GarageBand using iPads and worked together to remix the Dr Who Theme Tune!
On Wednesday 10th July at 15:20, there will be a musical sharing performance in the school hall. The performance will last around 40 minutes. Parents/carers are more than welcome to attend and show their support.
Journey through the New Testament- Bible Assembly- Thursday 11th July 2024
The children have been taking part in bible sessions with Mrs Basden. They have journeyed through the New Testament and will be ready to show off their learning in an assembly on Thursday 11th July at 2:30pm. Parents/carers are more than welcome to attend and show their support.
Pound Grow- Tuesday 16th July and Wednesday 17th July.
Year Six have recently been introduced to a fundraising project (£1 Grow). This project aims to develop the children’s understanding of financial management, budgeting, and persuasive advertising. It also aims to develop their entrepreneurial skills.
As part of this project next week the children will be given a letter detailing the event and £2 each from ‘Friends of Hillside’. Their mission is to create as much profit for their team as possible. At the end of the project the total profits added together will go towards a gift from the class for the use and benefit of Hillside children.
End of Year Assembly
The end of year assembly and leavers’ performance for parents/carers will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm*
*timings may be subject to change.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 28th June 2024
Good afternoon,
Throughout the week, the children have continued working on their theme park project that has incorporated a variety of Maths, English and Art skills. They have now taken their planning sheets to create PowerPoint presentations that they will use to ‘pitch’ their ideas with focus on profit and sustainability.
Year Six have also taken part in art sessions this week, finishing off their shadow puppets and making a start exploring how personalities can influence their work.  The children then made a start designing and creating their own model chair. The children enjoyed showing off their unique creations using a variety of resources.
On Friday, we continued learning about the Ancient Greeks exploring how significant the legacy of Ancient Greece is today. The children have retained their knowledge of the topic well and were able to apply it successfully during this session.
We have also been practising songs and scenes for our end of year assembly- the children are very much looking forward to showing their efforts.
End of Year Assembly
The end of year assembly and leavers’ performance for parents/carers will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm*
*timings may be subject to change.
Journey through the New Testament- Bible Assembly- Thursday 11th July 2024
The children have been taking part in bible sessions with Mrs Basden. They have journeyed through the New Testament and will be ready to show off their learning in an assembly on Thursday 11th July at 2:30pm. Parents/carers are more than welcome to attend and show their support.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 21st June 2024
Good afternoon,
Happy Friday one and all! This week has been full of sporting events with an enjoyable Sports Day on Monday, a successful District Sports on Tuesday and a brilliant tennis session, led by the professional tennis coach Mike Herd, on Thursday.
Preparations are now well underway for our end of year assembly performance which we have been practising through the week. We have also continued our theme park project focusing on budgeting which we will then take forward to help prepare for our pound grow.
On Thursday, in art, the children worked hard to develop dragon shadow puppets using shapes in the style of the artist, Henri Matisse. During the morning, Year Six also took part in the Brake’s Kids Walk around school. The children were actively promoting road safety by ensuring that all infants and juniors walked sensibly, engaging in chants and holding posters.
On Friday morning, the children took part in a reading and writing project with Year Two. Creativity and teamwork were noticed throughout the morning with the Year Six children embracing a level of responsibility to support others.
End of Year Assembly
The end of year assembly and leaver’s performance for parents/carers will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm*
*timings may be subject to change
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 14th June 2024
Good afternoon,
Another week seems to have flown by!
In English, the children had the opportunity to redraft pieces of work from earlier this year. The children were able to use their progressed understanding to make alterations to then produce improved pieces.
Year Six continued their preparation for their pound grow by applying their understanding of persuasion to start an informative brochure detailing their theme park ideas.
On Tuesday, we headed to Safety Central for the day. The children gained a crucial understanding of fire, water, online and road safety and learnt about first aid and wellbeing throughout their visit. It was an honour to witness the children’s enthusiasm and maturity towards each topic. They displayed exceptional behaviour and listened brilliantly to their group leaders- well done Year Six!
Year Six have also welcomed Mrs Basden for another NT session and Mrs Williams for an art morning.
A couple of things to note:
Go Ape visit
Thank you to the parents who have given consent for our trip to Go Ape on the 12th July. If you have not provided consent for your child to attend, please access the link attached on the emailed weekly round up.
Sports Day
On Monday morning, Year Six will be taking part in their KS2 sports day. Please can all children attend school in their PE kit and have their uniform in their bag readily available if it starts to rain.
The event will start at 10am at the field. If you are planning on parking, please arrive earlier. However, we kindly request that parents walk to avoid congestion.
Please keep an eye on any communications during the morning as the event may be postponed due to the weather.
End of Year Assembly
The end of year assembly and leaver’s performance for parents/carers will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm*
*timings may be subject to change
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 6th June 2024
Good afternoon,
I hope you all had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather last week and had made the most out of your break! The children have now arrived back to school in good spirits for their last half term at Helsby Hillside.
In English, the children have been busy writing a persuasive letter convincing Mr Khan to change the school uniform to own clothes. It was so pleasing to see how invested the children were in providing their own opinions and passion towards their work- we now look forward to hearing a response!
In preparation for the pound grow next half term, Year Six have started learning about budgeting by designing their own theme park! They have been ‘given’ four million pounds to spend on a variety of rides and amenities- which have allowed the children to generate some wonderful ideas!
Throughout the week, we discussed the leavers’ assembly and the children were introduced to the songs they will be singing in their performance. Tomorrow, we welcome Mrs Basden who will begin leading her sessions on the New Testament.
A couple of things to note:
On Tuesday, Year 6 will be heading out on their trip to Safety Central. They will need to bring a packed lunch and water bottle for the visit.
End of Year Assembly
The end of year assembly and leaver’s performance for parents/carers will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm*
*timings may be subject to change
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 24th May 2024
Good afternoon,
In Maths, Year Six have been recapping on measuring and drawing angles. It was excellent to see skills retained from previous sessions and children using protractors with confidence and accuracy. Investigating pie charts have also been a focus this week with children using their fraction skills and protractors to be successful.
In English, we have now finished our fictional writing based on the video, ‘Alma’. I have been very impressed with the attitude and determination of the children to produce stories of real quality.
On Tuesday afternoon, we welcomed Mrs Basden to lead a Christianity session. The children were fortunate to also receive a bible from the Helsby Methodist Church and begin learning about the Old and New Testament.
On Wednesday, Year Six braved the weather to venture into the village for a morning of fieldwork. After exploring listed buildings, we headed to Tesco to ask members of the public questions about our village. I was particular impressed with the positivity the class showed on their damp journey and how they conducted themselves in the store- well done Year Six!
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to wish Year Six a well-deserved half-term break. They have worked so hard throughout the year and approached every challenge over the last couple of weeks with positivity and confidence!
Relax and enjoy,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 17th May 2024
Good afternoon,
I would like to begin this weekly round up to mention how unbelievably proud I am of the children. It has been an absolute joy to be with them during a difficult week but their positivity and mentality towards each challenge has been outstanding. My message at the start of the week was for all children to try their best and show off what they can do and each and every one of them displayed that- a huge well done Year Six!
SATs week is now finished!! The children ended the week with time at the field, a party to celebrate their efforts and a water fight! It was great to see them all spending time with their friends and capping off a challenging yet successful week!
A couple of things to note for next week:
PE will now return to a Monday afternoon. Please ensure that your child’s PE kits are in school ready for the session.
Morning at Tesco
As part of our Geography topic, 'Our World, Our Future', pupils will be considering and completing tasks focusing on the past, present and future of our local area. 
On Wednesday morning, Year Six will be heading out into the village to take images of areas that are important to preserve and improve. We will also venture down to Tesco to share a questionnaire with members of the public to gather their opinions of Helsby and the changes they would like to see in the future. 
Please ensure that your child brings in a waterproof coat, sun cream, a water bottle and a snack as we will be out of school for the majority of the morning. 
Wellbeing day- Friday 24th May
KS2 will be holding a wellbeing day on Friday 24th May next week, the last day of term. The children can wear relaxing summer footwear inside school (flip-flops, sliders or slippers) although will need appropriate outside footwear to wear at breaktimes. We will also be doing some outside learning and undertaking additional wellbeing sessions throughout the day. The children will also be able to sit in their friendship groups in class.
I hope the children have a well-deserved, relaxing weekend!
Best wishes,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 10th May 2024
Good afternoon,
Happy Friday! I hope you have had an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine throughout the week- let’s hope it continues!  
In Maths, Year Six have completed their work on coordinates and have recapped over multi-step word problems and arithmetic skills. In English, the children have furthered their understanding on key punctuation and grammar areas in preparation for next week by taking on active sessions in the hall and on the playground.
As we all know, next week is SATs week and I feel the children are ready to give it their best shot. I have been so pleased with their attitude and willingness to learn throughout the year and I cannot be any more proud of them all.
A couple of things to note…
SATs week plans
Next week, school will be open from 8:20am with Mrs Bradberry and I providing the breakfast of toast and juice, at no cost, each morning.
On Thursday afternoon next week, Year Six will have PE. Please ensure that PE kits are in school ready for the session.
At the end of the week, we will be holding a SATs party for the children. We kindly ask for a donation of £2.00 per child to cover the costs of treats and refreshments throughout the afternoon. The children are welcome to bring a change of clothes for the afternoon activities and can get changed at lunchtime. The children have also requested a ‘water fight’ during the second half of the afternoon (this is not compulsory). If your child would like to take part, please ensure they bring in a spare change of clothes and a towel. Children are also allowed to bring in a water pistol/water balloons if they so wish.
Helsby High School
If your child is attending Helsby High School, you should have received an admission pack in the post. Two emails should have also been sent to you with information to book a summer school place and an opportunity for your child to list three friends (in no order) to potentially share form groups. A separate email should have also been sent to you regarding uniform. Please contact Helsby High School if you have any issues.
There is no homework for this weekend. It is more beneficial at this stage for Year 6 to get plenty of sleep and be refreshed and relaxed for when they return on Monday.
Have a relaxing weekend,
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up- 3rd May 2024
Good afternoon,
Happy Friday all! Another week has seemed to have flown by! Thank you so much for the kind wishes, cards and gifts- my 30th birthday is definitely one I will not forget!
In English, Year Six have started to write a short story focusing on effective setting description and suspense. The children have taken on board guidance and have been motivated to use their ideas effectively- well done!
In maths, the children have moved on to recap statistics and learn about pie charts. They have applied their knowledge of fractions and percentages to interpret successfully. Today, the children recapped their understanding of coordinates.
Throughout each afternoon, Year Six have partaken in many sessions: they identified Ancient Greek city states in History; furthered their knowledge of circuits in Science; progressed their skills of handball in PE; developed strategies to manage anxiety in PSHE and improved their level of confidence towards SPaG.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 26th April 2024


Good evening,

I would just like to begin this round up with praise to Year 6. Throughout the week, the children have taken part in practice SATs papers and have approached each paper with a high level of confidence and maturity- a huge well done to you all!

In Maths this week, Year Six have continued their angle work exploring missing angles within shapes. They then moved their learning towards investigating 2D and 3D shapes by focusing on nets. The children finished the week developing an understanding of circumference, diameter and radius. 

In English, Year Six have recapped on key punctuation and grammar areas by writing descriptive sentences on setting and character. Discussions on prepositions and verbs have also allowed the children to further add detail and clarity to their work.

In Science this week, the children recapped on their previous session and have become further accustomed to scientific symbols used in circuits. We explored how the brightness of lights can change using batteries, wires and bulbs. The children showed a resilience to find a solution to problems encountered when working in groups. On Monday, Mrs Williams led her second session recapping on spelling, punctuation, and grammar and on Thursday, Mrs Hughes led a session all about coping strategies when encountering stressful situations and anxiety.


Have a lovely weekend, 


Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 19th April 2024


Good afternoon,


I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break. With SATs week approaching, the children have arrived back to school with a willingness to work hard and achieve.

In maths this week, Year Six have recapped our learning of angles. Using a protractor and calculating missing angles have been our focus and the children have stepped up to improve their confidence and understanding- well done!

In English, Year Six have started our preparations to write a fictional piece based on the short film: ‘Alma’. The children have really taken to it and have produced some excellent ideas that will help them with their writing over this half term. 

Throughout the afternoon sessions, Year 6 have been introduced to their new science topic: Electricity! They have recapped on identifying and defining symbols within a circuit. Mrs Williams also led a session on Monday afternoon recapping on spelling, punctuation and grammar. The children were focused and displayed enthusiasm throughout. On Tuesday, Mrs Moore led her weekly PE afternoon and on Friday, the children were introduced to their new History topic: Ancient Greece.


A couple of things to note:

Homework will continue to be provided each week- see below. Please ensure that your child continues to work hard on the tasks provided as this will benefit their knowledge and understanding of topics covered in school.

Spelling homework

To be given out on Wednesday

To be due in on Wednesday

English, Maths and Reading homework

To be given out on Friday

To be due in on Wednesday


Two reading comments to be completed by Thursday each week


Please also see attached the summer newsletter detailing the goings on this term!


Have a joyful weekend, 


 Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 28th March 2024


Spring term has now come to a close and Easter is nearly upon us! The children have worked hard over the last five weeks and can now have a well-deserved break! The children have been provided a work pack to be completed at home in preparation for SATs week however it is imperative that the tasks are spread out over the two weeks so it is not overwhelming for them at the end of the holidays.

In English, the children have worked hard to complete a report on Charles Darwin and the Galapagos Islands. It has been so pleasing to see their positive attitude shine and their determination to include wonderful features throughout.

In Maths, Year Six have recapped on area and perimeter. They then applied their learning to find the area of triangles and parallelograms by following a clear method. We have also recapped over arithmetic questions focusing on fractions of amounts and dividing and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. The children have displayed enthusiasm and a growth in confidence which is pleasing to see!


PE sessions after the Easter Break

Our PE slots after Easter will be on a Tuesday for the first four weeks when return to school (16th. 23rd, 30th and 7th). Please ensure that PE kits are brought in ready for their sessions.


I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday!


Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 22nd March 2024


Good afternoon,

Spring term is now drawing to a close with only one more week to go! The children continue to work hard and impress me with their efforts! Today, we had the opportunity to celebrate Wellbeing Day comfortably. The children enjoyed wearing their slippers and have a cuddly toy from home to keep them company!

In English, the children have applied their grammatical knowledge when identifying features of a report and explored specific vocabulary. We also recapped on active and passive voice to improve the formality of our writing. On Wednesday, the children completed a punctuation and grammar assessment and approached the task with maturity and focus- well done!

In Maths, we have continued our work on percentages and have increased our knowledge on decimal and fraction equivalents. The children have also found percentages of amounts using a one and two-step approach.

On Wednesday afternoon, the children walked to St Paul's to explore the Easter Story. Reverend Noel talked to the children and asked them excellent questions as a way of securing their understanding. This afternoon, the children had the privilege of welcoming Mr Davies from Helsby High School into the class. He held a talk detailing what the children will be expecting in September.

The children have also improved their confidence of Microsoft Excel in their computing sessions this week and in Geography, Year Six had the opportunity to explore Helsby as part of answering the topical question, ‘What, in our region, should we preserve for the future?’


Easter assembly- Thursday 28th March

On Thursday, we will be partaking in our Easter assembly at 1:00pm. All parents are welcome to attend.


Have a lovely weekend,


Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 15th March 2024


Good afternoon,


In English, the children have recapped and applied the present perfect tense within their writing. They have used the book, ‘Island’ to write about animals arriving and colonising the Galapagos Islands. The children then applied their grammatical knowledge to write a field log detailing the findings of an expedition. They needed to include details of a variety of species and explain with specific language.

In Maths, we have progressed in our understanding of decimals and have provided links to fractions. The children have worked hard to recap on their knowledge learnt in previous year groups and have applied their understanding well. On Friday, we began recapping percentages.

Throughout the week, we have continued reading, ‘Dolphin Song’. The children are very much invested in the story and have used their understanding to answer a variety of retrieval and inference questions. Two sessions of PE were delivered this week. Mrs Moore led a great session on Monday focusing on handball and health related exercises and on Thursday the class took part in a cricket session with Cheshire Cricket!


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Newman





Weekly Round Up- 8th March 2024


Good afternoon,


Another busy yet fun-filled week in Year Six!

In English, the children have gained further confidence and understanding to write cohesively using a variety of adverbials and conjunctions. We have focused on the text, ‘Jemmy Button’ and the children have written wonderful discussion pieces, using for and against, to display their views clearly.

In maths, we have continued our learning of decimals applying the four operations to achieve an answer. We then used our knowledge and confidence to tackle a variety of worded problems in context with links to units of measure.

On Tuesday, we welcomed a visitor from Mad Science to lead a workshop on light. The children used their knowledge from Autumn term as a foundation to develop their understanding further. The spectrum of colours were the focus leading to several amazed reactions! On Wednesday, the children developed their knowledge of adaptation in Science and ended the week celebrating World Book Day! Wonderful outfits were on display with the children making their own comic creations written for their buddies in Year One! They cannot wait to share their stories with them!


Poetry competition

To celebrate World Poetry Day, we will be holding a poetry recital competition for the whole school. As Hillside is celebrating its 60th anniversary as a primary school in 2024, the theme for this year’s competition is school. So, for this week’s homework, we would like you to choose or write a poem about school and then learn to perform it.

You can write your own poem or choose one from a book or the internet. It can be any style of poem.

Class heats will be held on Wednesday morning and then finalists will be selected to represent our class in the whole school Poetry Assembly where the overall winners will be chosen. The school winners will enjoy a trip to the teashop!

We look forward to hearing your poems!


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 1st March 2024


Good afternoon, 

The children have enjoyed sharing their experiences over their half term break and have settled back well into the classroom by working hard.   

In English, Year Six have been introduced to their new text, ‘Island’ by Jason Chin. In our first session, we explored the world map and the map of the Galapagos Islands noting down key features. We also took time to research the journey Charles Darwin had taken.

In maths, the children have formed equations and tackled multiple step questions in their algebra sessions. Towards the end of the week, recapping on decimals was the focus where clear knowledge and understanding has been displayed. They have taken on new learning in their stride and have applied it well within their work.  

During our afternoon sessions, the children were introduced to their new Geography topic, ‘How is the UK changing?’ In this session, we explored the map of the UK using iPads to find physical features. In Science, we have started our new topic, ‘Evolution and Inheritance.’ The children enjoyed the lesson exploring inheritance through a variety of animals and characters! 


SATs Information Evening 

Thank you to all that attended the meeting yesterday. Hopefully, it has provided an insight into SATs and what is expected. An email was sent out earlier today with documents from the meeting. Please access these documents as they will be of benefit to both you and your child in preparation for SATs.  


World Book Day- a message from Mrs Potts

We are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day at Hillside next week ( Friday 8th March) and have lots of activities planned to encourage reading for pleasure such as quizzes, a hunt for Where’s Wally and a special telling of the story, The Day The Crayons Quit, by the teachers!

All children and staff are invited to come to school dressed as an adjective – sleepy, sporty, stripy, colourful, floral, puzzled, fragile, artistic are just a handful of examples and families can be as creative as they wish! Please ensure that children have their adjective on a card to hold or attach to their costume – thank you.

Inspired by the children’s classic, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, we will be selling our own “Golden Ticket” bars at morning break time – all children can purchase a chocolate bar for 50p if they wish to. There are some prizes hidden inside, including some Waterstones book tokens, so if they are lucky they may find an extra treat! Many thanks to Harry F in Y6 who designed our wrapper and to Friends of Hillside who have helped us to put this activity together for the children.


Have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Newman 



Weekly Round Up- 16th February 2024


I would just like to take this opportunity to wish you all a well-earned half term break. The children have really progressed over the last couple of weeks and are working hard to achieve their goals.  


In English, we have finished our extended write. I have been so amazed at the imagination, grammatical features and presentation efforts the children have put into their work. They should be very proud of themselves!  


In maths, the children have taken part in recapping activities which have been immensely beneficial in securing their understanding and developing their confidence moving forward. Arithmetic support has been provided within sessions this week and the children have approached all tasks with a high level of maturity- well done!!


Things to note…


After Half Term


SATs information meeting- 29.02.24

We would like to invite you to an information meeting to explain and discuss the KS2 national assessments (SATs).  During the meeting, information will be provided about the Y6 SATs: what they are; when they will be; what kind of questions your child can expect; how they are marked; how your child and you get the results; how you can help your child and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. There will also be some information to take away with you. This meeting will be held at 5:00pm and will be for parents.

World Book Day- 08.03.24

We will be celebrating World Book Day 2024 on Friday 8th March with lots of activities in school.  As reading helps to widen our vocabulary, as part of our celebrations, we are asking children (and staff!) to come to school dressed as an adjective. Families can be as creative as they wish and our theme does not require any shop bought costumes. The list of possibilities is almost endless - children might choose to be artistic, sleepy, sparkly, magical, sporty, colourful, spotty,   energetic, nocturnal, sunny, flamboyant, festive, dehydrated, identical, puzzled, snowy, floral etc etc - there are many examples online if you are looking for inspiration! Please could children have their word on a card or attached to their costume too. 


Have a lovely break!

Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 9th February 2024


Good afternoon,


Another school week has come to an end and only one more before half term!

In English, we have finished reading, ‘The Selfish Giant.’ We have recapped over personification with the focus on how the seasons can have human characteristics to add extra detail to our work. We have also continued to master punctuating speech in a variety of sentences with emphasis on moving advancing the story. I cannot be more proud of my class. The level of effort they have shown as writers this week has been sensational- keep it going Year 6!

In maths, the children have experienced their first algebra sessions. After a tricky start and many confused faces, we are working hard for an understanding. The children have persisted with their work and although it has been seen as a challenge, they have kept going with confidence!

In History this week, we answered the question, ‘Should we remember the Maya?’ and furthered our understanding of Maya hieroglyphic writing. On Wednesday, as part of Children’s Mental Health Week, Year Six had the opportunity to read with their Year One buddies. It was lovely to see how well they interacted with one another whilst sharing stories.  In our PSHE session, we discussed internet safety with focus on communicating online. The children shared their awareness of how to be safe using the internet and were confident in answering a variety of questions.


A couple of things to note:

Parents’ Evening

I am looking forward to meeting you all next week. If you have not already booked a slot for parents’ evening, you have until Monday 12th February at midday to request a time.


Bikeability sessions next week

Next week, Bikeabilty will be in school taking groups of children out on their bicycles. If your child is down to take part in Bikeability, please check your emails as a message has been sent out explaining what group your child will be in and what day they will be taking part in the sessions. Please ensure that your child arrives to school on their allocated day in appropriate clothing and items to take part.

If you have any questions regarding the sessions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


After Half Term

SATs information meeting- 29.02.24

As mentioned on the email sent out yesterday, we would like to invite you to an information meeting to explain and discuss the KS2 national assessments (SATs).  During the meeting, information will be provided about the Y6 SATs: what they are; when they will be; what kind of questions your child can expect; how they are marked; how your child and you get the results; how you can help your child and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. There will also be some information to take away with you. This meeting will be for parents.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 2nd February 2024


The children are well and truly into the swing of things and are working hard to achieve their goals.

In English, we have continued to read, ‘The Selfish Giant.’ The children are very much invested in the story and have produced some excellent pieces of work. We have focused our learning on setting description and applying effective expanded noun phrases and passive voice to our work.

In Maths, we have come to the end of our unit on ratio. We have learnt about scale factors and developed our accuracy in drawing shapes. We have also problem solved effectively- well done Year 6!

In History, we considered what happened to the Maya Civilisation. The children explored theories about how and why the Maya disappeared. In RE, the children have furthered their understanding of Sikhism by focusing on their key beliefs and in Computing, the children have started to use formula to manage data.


Book Swap- 08.02.24

Our next book swap is on Thursday 8th February. Please hand in your old book(s) on Tuesday/Wednesday (6/7th February). Please note that they should be in good condition and be age appropriate for your class. The children will then receive a token to “spend” on a new book at the Swap Shop on Thursday 8th February.

SATs information meeting- 29.02.24

As mentioned on the email sent out yesterday, we would like to invite you to an information meeting to explain and discuss the KS2 national assessments (SATs).  During the meeting, information will be provided about the Y6 SATs: what they are; when they will be; what kind of questions your child can expect; how they are marked; how your child and you get the results; how you can help your child and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. There will also be some information to take away with you. This meeting will be for parents.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Newman


Good afternoon,


Another week seems to have flown by but we have had a great week of learning!

In English, the children have been introduced to semi-colons and have begun applying them into their writing.  They were so confident experimenting in using semi-colons within sentences and have grown to display a solid understanding- well done!

In maths, Year Six have furthered their knowledge of metric measurements and have developed an understanding within their introduction to imperial measurements. We are now learning about ratio. We have explored the language used and have applied the symbol correctly.

In History, we began to consider whether the Maya Civilisation were as clever as people in the 21st century. The children researched Maya technology and culture to reach a conclusion on how advanced their society was. In Science, Year Six took part in an active session where they investigated how exercise impacts our bpm.


Thank you for those who have already registered for their child to take part in Bikeabilty.

BikeRight will soon be coming to Helsby Hillside to run a Bikeability course which your child has the opportunity to take part in. The sessions will run from Monday 12th February- Friday 16th February. Please follow the link (via email) to register and give consent.


SATs information meeting- 29.02.24

As mentioned on the email sent out today, we would like to invite you to an information meeting to explain and discuss the KS2 national assessments (SATs).  During the meeting, information will be provided about the Y6 SATs: what they are; when they will be; what kind of questions your child can expect; how they are marked; how your child and you get the results; how you can help your child and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. There will also be some information to take away with you. 

This meeting will be for parents.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Newman



Weekly Round Up- 19th January 2024 


Good morning, 

Although we have experienced a week of snow and ice, the children have continued to work hard and approach tasks with maturity, especially when taking on half-yearly assessments.   

In English, the children have recapped on personification and produced some excellent descriptive pieces. We have also had opportunities to look over completed pieces to edit and improve. 

In Maths this week, we have divided fractions and recapped on finding fractions of amounts.  In today’s session, we are moving our leaning and focus towards measurements. We will explore metric measurements and gain a further understanding of converting within mathematical problems.  

During our afternoon sessions, Year Six have gained further knowledge of food groups and the importance of a balanced diet in their Science sessions. In History, the Maya Civilisation has continued to be our focus. The children have used iPads to research their religion and their Gods. The children have also explored the text, ‘The Island’ as part of our No Outsiders session this week and have shown a clear understanding of prejudice. 


Thank you for those who have already registered for their child to take part in Bikeabilty.  

BikeRight will soon be coming to Helsby Hillside to run a Bikeability course which your child has the opportunity to take part in. The sessions will run from Monday 12th February- Friday 16th February. If you would like your child to take part in the sessions, please follow the link (sent via email) to give consent.  


Have a lovely weekend,  

Mr Newman 





















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Weekly Round Up- 12th January 2024 


Good afternoon, 


Our first full week back seems to have flown by but the children have continued to give their all- excellent efforts, Year Six! 

In Maths this week, we have worked hard to multiply fractions and solve problems. Some of the new learning has been a little tricky however with perseverance the children achieved an understanding. Year Six have also had the opportunity to explore reasoning and problem-solving questions whilst working with a partner.  

In English, we have been introduced to the book, ‘The Selfish Giant’ and have begun writing monologues using formal language and applying active and passive voice. The children have explored the characters of the story and have considered their appearance and personality. The children have also learnt about the subjunctive form and applied this to formal writing. Through the learning, they have enjoyed writing and sharing sentences beginning with, ‘If I were…’ to build up their confidence. 

During the afternoon sessions this week, we have continued our History topic exploring the features of a Maya city. In PE, indoor athletics was the focus with the children working on their personal bests and developing their jumping and throwing skills. We have also recapped on last half-term’s Geography topic in preparation for today’s assembly. Year Six, you have made me so proud of your efforts to display your understanding and share an important message- well done!  


BikeRight will soon be coming to Helsby Hillside to run a Bikeability course which your child has the opportunity to take part in. The sessions will run from Monday 12th February- Friday 16th February. Please see attached (on sent email) details involving this course. If you would like your child to take part in the sessions, please follow the link (on sent email) to register and give consent.  


Have a lovely weekend,  

Mr Newman 



Weekly Round Up- 5th January 2024 


Good afternoon, 

I just would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a lovely festive break and are feeling refreshed for the year ahead! Please see below the Spring Term newsletter detailing the goings on this term.  

In Maths this week, we have continued their learning of fractions. After an initial challenge, the children have worked hard to develop an understanding of recapping to use fractions and mixed numbers to add and subtract. 

In English, we began the week with an editing and improving session. It made me feel very proud to see how much the children had retained from the first term and how they applied their grammatical skills effectively to up level work. We finished the week with a prediction task as to where our learning will take us this half term! 

In Science, we have started a new topic- ‘Animals Including Humans’. The children have recapped over previous learning in preparation to develop an understanding of our circulatory system. We have also started our History topic on the Maya civilisation. The children were able to understand where and when the Maya lived and compared Maya key dates to familiar events in British and world history.   

Throughout the week, the children have responded well to my expectations and settled back into the routine smoothly. Keep up the great work!! 


Have a lovely weekend,  

Mr Newman 





Weekly Round Up- 15th December 2023   


Good afternoon,  


The children have made it to the end of their first term in Year Six! It has been a term full of hard work and wonderful experiences which I am sure will last in their memories!   

This week, you should all agree that the children were OUTSTANDING in their performance of ‘Panto Pandemonium’. I was so proud of each and every one of them- what a talented bunch!   

Thank you for all the support you have given the children throughout this term and from behalf of myself and the TA’s, thank you for the generosity and kindness for the gifts you have brought in- they are very much appreciated.  

Year Six- enjoy your festive break by relaxing and having lots of fun so you are fresh and ready to return to school in 2024!  


I wish you all a safe and restful Christmas and New Year.   


Take care,   

Mr Newman  


Weekly Round Up- 8th December 2023 


Good afternoon,


This week, the children have been busy rehearsing for their Christmas performance and are very much looking forward to performing next week.

During our English sessions, the children have finalised their research on tigers and have begun writing their hybrid texts about these amazing animals. They have already included a selection of the grammatical features covered this term and will continue their efforts next week to complete this piece of work.

In Maths, the children recapped on ordering and comparing fractions using their knowledge of equivalents to achieve an answer.

In our geography session this week, the children started their preparations to campaign about plastic use by creating informational posters and graphs. The work created will be used as part of an awareness of plastic waste assembly in the new year. In PSHE, I read the story, ‘Leaf’. We discussed the themes the awareness and importance of ‘No Outsiders’ were raised and discussed. Throughout the week, the children have been reading, ‘Dolphin Song’ as part of their guided reading sessions. It is pleasing to see how involved they are in the story and how well they are answering questions using evidence to back up their understanding.  


Enjoy your weekend,


Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up- 1st December 2023  


Good afternoon, 


In English, the children have been using the information gathered last week to write about kakapos! Adverbs for possibility, modal verbs and parenthesis were included when writing about diet, habitat and reasons as to why these flightless birds are endangered! We then began our preparations to plan a hybrid informational text on tigers.  

In maths, we have continued our learning of fractions by exploring equivalents on number lines. The children also took part in answering a variety of arithmetic questions to recap on key learning . I have been so proud of all the children’s attitudes and efforts during this time.  

Throughout the week, our preparations for the Key Stage Christmas performance have progressed with all children displaying wonderful enthusiasm and confidence. In Science, Year Six have been busy classifying plants and in PE the children finished off their play leader training. There will be an opportunity for all children to apply in writing, in the form of a poster, poem, letter etc by the end of term to become a play leader to support children in Key Stage One. Finally, to wrap up the week, Year Six have started to develop their understanding of using Microsoft Excel.   

Costumes for the pantomime 

We are currently finalising costume requirements for the KS2’s Christmas performance. Letters will be sent home with the children on Monday.  

Christmas Fair  

Next Friday, between 5-7pm, is our Christmas Fair. Please join us for some festive fun and community spirit.  

Advent Wreaths 

Mrs Fletcher-Curran has asked kindly if any child could bring greenery in to school for our annual advent wreaths. These can include conifer, fir, holly, skimmia, rosemary, yew, juniper, and pine. Please could any donations be brought into school from Monday 4th December.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  


Have a great weekend, 

Mr Newman 


Weekly Round Up- 24th November 2023


At the beginning of the week, the children visited Helsby High School to take part in a ‘BIG Maths’ workshop. The children were split up into four teams and worked through a variety of practical activities. It was great to see how well they worked to problem solve- well done Year Six!

In English, Year Six explored a text on rhinos to find key features that explain and persuade. The children then moved on towards applying adverbs for possibility within their writing. To end the week, the children have been researching facts about kakapos ready to be used within their work on Monday.

As part of their Maths learning this week, Year Six continued their focus on fractions. They applied the learning of equivalent fractions and expanded their understanding of improper fractions and mixed numbers. The tasks set required extra focus and greater perseverance, but the children stepped up to the challenge!

We have been busy throughout the week working on our Key Stage Two Christmas performance. It is gradually coming together, with the children working hard to learn their lines and to display their acting skills.

During Wednesday’s Science session, the children learnt all about micro-organisms and explored if they are harmful or helpful to us. The children then started to carry out an investigation to explore whether mould will grow on bread when put under different conditions. Year Six also took part in a French session with Mrs Potts this week.  


Festive Run- Friday 1st December

Year Six will be taking part in a sponsored run around school on Friday. Please can your child come into school with appropriate footwear and clothing to take part.


Have a great weekend,


Mr Newman



Good afternoon all,  


In English this week, the children developed their understanding of modal verbs and parenthesis and applied it to their writing. They completed a task, writing as farmers from Bangladesh, and included the troubles they may have when visited by a tiger! It was so pleasing to see their confidence grow throughout each activity to display an understanding!  

On Thursday, the children began a new topic in Maths- fractions! We have recapped over finding equivalent fractions and simplifying them using our knowledge of factors. I have been impressed with how much they have retained from previous year groups to be confident in their understanding. Keep it going!! 

In Geography this week, the children have been exploring energy sources and how they have a positive and/or negative impact on our lives. In Science, we used our knowledge from last week’s session to create animal classification keys and in art, the children began their new topic based on activism. They explored how artwork can spread a message for change. The children also took part in a ‘New Age Kurling’ intraschool competition on Wednesday that was arranged by Mrs Moore.  

‘BIG Maths’ visit to Helsby High School 

Next week, we are fortunate enough to be visiting Helsby High School for a ‘BIG Maths’ workshop led by the University of Liverpool. The session will be on Monday 20th November from 09:10- 10:20. Due to the early start time, I will be registering the children at 08:45 to ensure we have enough time to commute across to the high school for our session.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  


Have a great weekend, 

Mr Newman 


Weekly Round Up- 10th November 2023  


Good afternoon all,  

To mark remembrance, Year Six took part in a service this morning at the school and then walked down to St Paul’s in the afternoon to read a poem and lay a wreath to mark their respects. The children read beautifully and displayed maturity throughout.  

In Maths, the children tackled multistep problems and calculations that involved multiple operations. After a hesitant start, all children developed confidence and understanding.  

Within our English sessions this week, the children furthered their knowledge of tigers and explored using concise word choices to display information for the reader. It was great discussing with the children how certain word choices can enhance their writing and they were then able to apply this to their work.  

During our afternoon sessions, the children had the opportunity to present information of soldiers from the local area who fought in both World War One and Two. In Science, Year Six began their new topic developing their knowledge on the classification of animals and explored the life of Carl Linnaeus. In Guided Reading, we continued reading the text, ‘An Eagle in the Snow’. The children are thoroughly enjoying the story and provide their own opinions, backed up by evidence, to class discussions.  


Have a great weekend, 


Mr Newman 




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Weekly Round Up- 3rd November 2023


I hope you all had a wonderful, well-deserved break! It has been great to get back into the swing of things! The children have climatised back into the classroom and have worked hard. 

The children returned to school and noticed the English display had been changed to a jungle theme. They enjoyed guessing how the display linked to their learning and were able to find out that our focus in English this half term will be based around endangered animals! The children had the opportunity to edit and improve sentences in their first session as a way of recapping key grammatical techniques.  Year Six also had time this week to look back over their extended write that was completed before half term. It was a pleasure to see how well each child responded to the activity of editing and improving. They were enthusiastic to work collaboratively with a partner and displayed willingness to use their purple editing pen to correct spelling, consider punctuation and include further details. 

In Maths, our focus has turned towards division and the children have been able to apply prior knowledge to face any task with positivity. One objective involved finding factors and then dividing through multiple steps to find the answer. It was excellent to see how well they presented their work, taking time to set out their calculations clearly.   

During our afternoon sessions, the children had the chance to finish their art pieces using collage and painting skills to enhance and add depth to their work. The children also began their Geography topic focusing on protecting the environment. Within the session, Year Six had the opportunity to use iPads to record down key information by identify threats, causes and possible solutions towards climate change. They then used their locational skills, by using an atlas, to display which countries are impacted by global warming.  


Have a nice weekend, 


Mr Newman 


Weekly Round Up- 13th October 2023 


It is crazy to think that next week will be our final week of our first half term in Year Six- how time flies!   

In Maths this week, the children have recapped multiples, factors and prime numbers as part of their written methods unit. It is pleasing to see how much the children have retained throughout Key Stage Two when applying their understanding to these sessions. We have also tackled squared and cubed numbers in preparation for long multiplication next week.  

In English, we have been busy writing diary entries and then working collaboratively and independently to edit and improve. I was so impressed with how well they became acquainted to the expectations of this to produce some excellent pieces and have an eye to what can be adapted to benefit the reader! Well done Year Six!  

In History this week, we have turned our focus to the ‘Battle of Britain’. The children are now piecing together the events of World War Two with clear understanding. In Art, the children have started completing their final pieces in exploring the identity of Winston Churchill. Drawing, ink work and collage skills have been applied brilliantly! We have also displayed data from an experiment in Science and identified similarities and differences of Christian places of worship in R.E! 


A couple of important things to note:  

High school applications: 

We have been made aware that School Admissions are yet to receive applications for a number of pupils. If you have not applied, please can you ensure that applications are completed by 31st October 2023. Applications can be completed online. Please access via the link below:  

Apply for a School Place (  

Bottles for remembrance 

Thank you to those who have already brought in bottles this week. In preparation for Remembrance Day, please can a plastic bottle be brought in as soon as possible- thank you.  


Enjoy your weekend!   

Mr Newman   



Weekly Round Up- 6th October 2023 

The colder weather and darker evenings may be settling in, but the children are continuing to face any challenge with positivity and enthusiasm this week! 

In Maths, our place value unit has come to a close and our focus has now turned to written methods. Our main aim this week was to improve efficiency when working out calculations. I was so impressed as they all worked hard and made sure that they achieved an accurate answer.  

In English, we have continued our learning activities linking to the text, ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’. During this week, I have raised the awareness of adding cohesion to extended writing to improve the overall flow and clarity of written work. Through their maturity, the children have responded well to this and are applying the skills needed to up level their writing.  

In History, the children explored the key events in Dunkirk during World War Two. It was wonderful to see how immersed they all were in the content provided and how they approached the task with great enthusiasm. In Science, the children worked collaboratively to investigate shadows, ensuring that it was a fair test to record down data accurately. Portrait drawing was the focus in Art on Thursday afternoon. The children enjoyed this session and were eager to show off their work throughout.  

Polite request 

Please can your child bring in a plastic bottle on Monday. The bottle will be used to make a poppy which will then be displayed in Hillside’s Remembrance Garden. It can be any size but would be ideal if it has a fluted base- see photos below.  

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Enjoy your weekend. 

Mr Newman  






Weekly Round Up- 29th September 2023


Another week has now come to a close, but the children have really made the most of it! Throughout the week, we have been busy practising and then performing ’Let it Grow’ as part of the Harvest Festival. I cannot praise the children enough for their efforts- they were incredible!  

Year Six also enjoyed each other’s company and had the opportunity to share food and drink during Wednesday’s Harvest Breakfast. While the children have embraced the variety of experiences this week, they have also worked hard in the classroom to produce some excellent pieces of work.   

In Maths, our place value unit is drawing to a close. We have developed further confidence in rounding and developed our knowledge of negative numbers.  Place value will be a skill that will continue to be reinforced throughout the year and it pleases me to see how confident the children have been when given the opportunity to recap and increase their knowledge.  

We have continued reading the text, ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ in our English sessions this week. The children have become very much invested in the text and have produced some wonderful descriptive pieces using dialogue and expanded noun phrases. The children have also developed their skills in looking back through their work to edit and improve. It is so important that the children increase independence this year in their writing, and I am pleased to say they are on the right path to achieve this!  

In History this week, the children have explored World War Two detailing major events on timelines. Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, The Blitz and D-Day were a few of several events covered. In Science, torches were used to further their knowledge on how light travels. They worked well in groups to display their understanding and formulate detailed answers that were then recorded in their books.  

Another thank you this week for all the homework I have received on time. Please make sure that the children’s diaries have been signed and a little comment is provided on how they have got on. This really does benefit me as I can get a further insight into their understanding.  

Enjoy your weekend. 

Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up – 22nd September 2023 

After returning back to school from our week away, the learning expectations of Year Six are now in full swing! The children have displayed the correct attitude and willingness that has led to a successful first full week back at school.  

We have continued our learning of place value in Maths this week. The children have improved their knowledge of numbers up to ten million by using number lines. We have also had the opportunity to recap on ordering, comparing and rounding whole numbers and numbers including decimals! I was very impressed with how enthusiastic the children were to answer questions and use their whiteboards to display an understanding. Keep it up Year Six!! 

In English, we have recapped on the rules of speech by including inverted commas in sentences. The children have also experienced writing a short story using all the skills learnt so far this year. Our class text, ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ has also been introduced for the children to predict what the story will be about.   

Whole class guided reading sessions have kicked off this week and Year Six have been introduced to Michael Morpurgo’s, ‘An Eagle in the Snow’. Their understanding of the text so far has been amazing. They were very much invested in the story and were able to retain what has happened so far. The children have had the opportunity to answer a variety of questions linking to our class read and have started to effectively provide evidence to back up their understanding.  

During the afternoon sessions, the children learnt about the impact of World War One and Two. We have also explored artists in Art by picking out key details by using collage and pastels. Another French lesson delivered by Mrs Potts has rounded off the week.  

A huge thank you to the children who have handed in reading records and homework this week! Please keep it up!! 

A couple of things to note 

Harvest PerformanceThe children have been busy practising our Harvest Festival song over the past couple of days and are looking forward to performing next Friday. To make the performance extra special, I thought it would be great to see the children in farming attire (checkered shirt, jumper, jeans, straw hat etc).  Please can all clothing be brought in on Thursday to ensure that everyone can be dressed up on the Friday. 

Harvest Donations 

A letter detailing what your child has agreed to bring in for Harvest Breakfast (Wednesday 27th September) has been sent out today. We are also accepting donations next week from Monday 25th September till Tuesday 3rd October for the local food bank should you wish to bring anything in. Further details will be on the school newsletter.  

Book Fair 

On the week beginning 2nd October, the book fair is coming to Hillside! After school that week, the children can purchase some lovely new books to read.  In preparation, the children have been asked to design a poster about their favourite book and they can create it using any media they like. Five lucky winners will be awarded vouchers to spend at our Book Fair. Entries will need to be handed in to Mrs Potts by Friday 29th September and winners will be announced on Monday 2nd October in assembly. 

Helsby High School Open Evening  

Please see attached a letter (sent via email from this week's weekly round up) detailing an open evening at Helsby High School on Thursday 5th October.  

If you have any questions, queries or matters regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am usually available before school and at the end of the day.  

Have a great weekend!  

Mr Newman 



Weekly round up- 15th September 2023


What. A. Week! Min-y-Don 2023 was amazing, and I am so happy that the children have come back home with happy memories of their time away!  

As their teacher, I cherished the opportunity to get to know each and every child this week and I feel we have now bonded as a team to take on the demands expected this year.  

The activities gave the children an opportunity to experience something new and challenged them to step out of their comfort zone. Their determination and willingness to give everything a go was fantastic to see and their respect towards the staff at Min-y-Don could not be faulted. Year Six- you have made me incredibly proud and if you continue with the same attitude, this year will be a success!  

If you would like to see what we have been up to, check out the school’s Twitter page to see our awesome adventure. What an excellent way to start the year! 


Best wishes,

Mr Newman


Weekly Round Up - 8th September 2023 


It has been an absolute privilege getting to know the children over the last three days and I feel they have really settled in as Year Six pupils. We have been busy getting to know the ropes and I am proud to share that they have all met the expectations set upon them.  

In Maths, we have started to extend our learning of place value looking at numbers up to ten million! The children have read, written, ordered and compared a range of numbers and have been willing to attempt challenges to display their understanding! 

This week in English, the children have been recapping on their grammatical understanding of expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, and subordinate and relative clauses. The children have worked very hard on this, creating links in their sentences, and including some wonderful word choices to enhance their writing.  

On Wednesday afternoon, we explored what a great classroom looks, feels, and sounds like. The children worked together to share their opinions, which allowed for excellent discussions. We also explored our school rules of what it is to be ready, respectful, and safe.  

The children had a brilliant PE session on Thursday afternoon with Mrs Moore working on rugby and dance skills and an afternoon French session today with Mrs Potts.  


A couple of things to note 

  • The children have been very excited this week as they now have access to their lockers and each child has been given the responsibility of their own key. Just for your awareness, as children are trusted to look after their locker key, we kindly ask for a refundable deposit of £5.00 to be brought in to cover costs if keys become lost.  
  • Our visit to Min-y-Don is finally upon us! Please can all children drop off their luggage in the school hall on Monday morning. Children will also need a disposable packed lunch as we will be stopping off to eat at Bala Lake on the way. This can be stored in a rucksack or bag separate to their main luggage. 


If you have any questions, queries or matters regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am usually available before school and at the end of the day.  


Bye for now,  


Mr Newman  

Files to Download

Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Blog items

Weekly Newsletter, by Mrs Ellis

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Year 6: Calendar items

INSET, by Mrs Ellis

School open, by Mrs Ellis

WK 1 New lunch menu, by Mrs Tregilgas

Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]