Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mr Newman
Weekly Round Up - 8th September 2023
Our 60th anniversary celebrations are very much in full swing! Year Six loved wearing 60s clothing, playing on the bouncy castle, joining the rest of the school in a street party for their lunch and visiting the exhibition held in the hall. It has been a day full of colour and happy faces- what a way to end the week!
It has also been an absolute privilege getting to know the children over the last four days and I feel they have really settled in as Year Six pupils. We have been busy getting to know the ropes and I am proud to share that they have all met the expectations set upon them.
In Maths, we have started to extend our learning of place value looking at numbers up to ten million! The children have read, written, ordered and compared a range of numbers and have been willing to attempt challenges to display their understanding!
This week in English, the children have been recapping on their grammatical understanding of expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, and subordinate clauses. The children have worked very hard on this, creating links in their sentences, and including some wonderful word choices to enhance their writing.
On Tuesday afternoon, we explored what a great classroom looks, feels, and sounds like. The children worked together to share their opinions, which allowed for excellent discussions. We also explored our school rules of what it is to be ready, respectful, and safe.
The children had a brilliant art session on Thursday afternoon with Mrs Williams introducing themselves to their new topic of working with 2D and 3D shapes and taking part in PE session with Mrs Moore this afternoon.
A couple of things to note
- The children have been very excited this week as they now have access to their lockers and each child has been given the responsibility of their own key. Just for your awareness, as children are trusted to look after their locker key, we kindly ask for a refundable deposit of £5.00 to be brought in to cover costs if keys become lost.
- Our visit to Min-y-Don is finally upon us! Children will need a disposable packed lunch as we will be stopping off to eat at Bala Lake on the way. This can be stored in a rucksack or bag separate to their main luggage.
If you have any questions, queries or matters regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am usually available before school and at the end of the day.
Mr Newman
Files to Download
Year 6: Calendar items
Celebration Assembly, by Mrs Tregilgas
Book Fair after school, by Mrs Tregilgas
Open Day Recep 2025 start 9.15am & 10am, by Mrs Tregilgas